A bulky energy weapon from the early epoch, the TPC is built directly into the Onslaught's hull and provides overwhelming firepower.
Designed before modular energy weapons were a reality, this weapon was coded into the Onslaught's blueprint because no other ship was large enough or had reactors capable of generating the requisite power.
Even though it's outperformed by some of the later epoch modular designs, the Thermal Pulse Cannon remains an integral part of the Onslaught's arsenal.
–In-Game Description
The Thermal Pulse Cannon is an energy weapon built into the Onslaught's hull prongs (two per ship). It provides exceptional frontal firepower at long range, particularly when fired in bursts, and is generally superior to modular energy weapons in terms of DPS, range, and accuracy. It pays for this in being particularly flux hungry when expending all of its charges automatically, in addition to the nature of the Onslaught's built-in mount placement.
Only up to date for version 0.95. It is likely still broadly correct but not verified for the most up to date data yet. Please double check the Version History.