Standard combat laser, useful at medium to long-ranges. A very flexible weapon, especially effective against unshielded targets.
The workhorse of beam weapons in the sector, the tactical laser is often used because of its low maintenance cost, versatility and ease of construction. Features a standard carbon dioxide gain medium, a 530nm marker beam and three lens assemblies. A good support weapon for small craft, especially in prolonged engagements.
–In-Game Description
The Tactical Laser is a small beam weapon.
The Tactical Laser is a typical beam weapon: accurate, low damage, low flux, with significantly better range than equivalent pulse weapons. It works very well against fighters and unshielded frigates, and can force ships to keep their shields up.
The Tactical Laser makes a good PD weapon with the Integrated Point Defense AIhullmod, and the beam goes through missiles while still damaging them. Keep in mind that this is a weaker option than having dedicated PD weapons, as Tactical laser has a longer beam travel time and slower turn rate, meaning it takes more time to catch missiles and it may sometimes switch randomly between targets. But for those that want versatility, it's a decent thing to try out.