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StarSector Wiki
Rift Torpedo Launcher
Rift torpedo hardpoint
General Information
Mount Large, Energy, Synergy
Primary Role Guided Torpedo
Ordnance points 30
Damage type Energy
Range 2000
Flux/sec (sustained) 3000 (150)
Tracking Excellent
Shots/min (sustained) 60 (3)
Damage 6000
Ammo 1
Ammo recharge per minute 3
"I see human cities and bones unmade so that none and nothing are left that may praise the Creator, no temple remains to house the shrine and none live to remember the words, and then nothing is holy and all is profane." - The Book of Ludds, Visions 7:12

–In-Game Description

The Rift Torpedo Launcher, much like other Omega missile weapons, relies on regenerating charges instead of ammo. It inflicts the highest damage per projectile of any weapon in the game, at 6,000.

However, the weapon also generates a whopping 3,000 flux upon firing, therefore it is not recommended to use this weapon while being pressured by multiple enemies. The rift torpedoes are capable of homing onto their targets reliably and possess decent HP, but are very slow.


Rift Torpedo Launcher

Version History[]


  • Reduced flux cost to 3000 (was: 6000)
  • Substantially increased projectile hitpoints
  • Torpedo no longer destroyed by hitting fighters (but still damages/destroys them)