Hullmods are modifications that can be made to a ship through the Refit Screen, at an Ordnance Point cost. They grant bonuses such as increased range and armor. Some hullmods are built into ship hulls and cannot be removed. Some hulls even have special mods unique to them.
New hullmods can be obtained by using "modspecs" available in markets or found as loot. Some hullmods can also be learned by unlocking certain skills. Once a hullmod has been unlocked it can be installed on any number of player ships.
The player begins the game with the following hullmods unlocked: Additional Berthing, Armored Weapon Mounts, Auxiliary Fuel Tanks, Auxiliary Thrusters, Blast Doors, Dedicated Targeting Core, Expanded Cargo Holds, Flux Coil Adjunct, Flux Distributor, Hardened Subsystems, Reinforced Bulkheads, Militarized Subsystems, Safety Overrides, and Unstable Injector.
Logistics hullmods[]
Unlike regular hullmods, logistic hullmods can only be added and removed while docked. They usually affect non-combat stats like cargo capacity or maximum burn. A ship is normally limited to two logistics hullmods.
Damage hullmods[]

Example of price difference between Mules with different amounts of d-mods.
Damage hullmods (commonly known as D-mods) represent serious long-term damage to a ship, and are added when a ship is recovered after battle. They may be removed by restoring the ship in a dock at a planet or station, for a high credit cost. Ships with damage mods cost fewer supplies to deploy.
Many ships sold at the shop will have D-mods. Ships with D-mods are cheaper; the difference is particularly large for the first D-mod.
Ill-Advised Modifications and Special Modifications are also considered D-mods, but do not affect recovery cost and cannot be added after the ship recovery. They are instead similar to built-in mods, appearing on specific hulls. They can be removed by restoring the ship, but not with Hull Restoration skill.
Damage mods are shown as orange bars on the ship icon. A ship can have up to 5 D-mods.
A hullmod added by the player can be permanently built into the ship using 1 SP; this grants an amount of bonus experience that depends on the size of the ship, with smaller ships giving more. A built-in hullmod doesn't cost any OP and doesn't count against the logistics hullmod limit. Up to two hullmods can be built into a ship by default, increasing to three if the player has Best of the Best skill.
Additionally, some hullmods provide a special effect when built in. More expensive hullmods have penalties while cheaper hullmods have bonuses.
Hulls that have built-in hullmods with special S-mod effects can instead be enhanced for 1 SP 100% XP. This doesn't count against the maximum S-mod limit. These S-mods are not shown in the ship icon.
S-mods are shown as green bars on the ship icon.
Change History[]
- Auxiliary Thrusters now available at game start; reduced OP cost for capitals to 25(from 30)
- Unstable Injector
- Removed acceleration bonus and engine damage penalty
- Now reduces weapon range by 25%
- Reduced OP cost
- Augmented Engines
- Removed in-combat speed bonus
- Reduced cost
- Renamed to "Augmented Drive Field"
- Dedicated Targeting Core: reduced cost
- Integrated Targeting Unit:
- Reduced cost to match DTC
- Slightly increased range bonus for cruisers (+5%) and capital ships (+10%)
- Hullmods can now be acquired from a "Modspec" item
- Dropped by enemies
- Found as salvage
- Bought on markets
New/adjusted hullmods:
- All percentile reductions applied by hullmods are now multiplicative
- Most already were; this is just cleanup to ensure consistency
- Goal is to avoid unreasonable stacking, i.e. -50% and -50% reducing a value to 0
- Flux Coil Adjunct, Flux Distributor:
- Cost 4/8/12/20 ordnance points
- Provide dissipation/capacity at 75% efficiency compared to vents and capacitors
- Available from the start
- Generally reduced penalties from d-mods
- ECCM Package: now also reduces weapon range penalty from losing Electronic Warfare
- Expanded Missile Racks:
- Now increases missile ammo by 100% (was: 75%)
- Ordnance point cost increased substantially
- One-shot Reaper torpedo launcher now has a 5 second cooldown
- Degraded Engines: reduced sensor signature penalty, reduced movement penalty
- Accelerated Shields: no longer available from start
- Expanded Magazines: no longer available from start
- Reinforced Bulkheads: available at campaign start
- Salvage Gantry: removed bonus to salvage from being deployed in combat, wasn't working right design-wise
- New hullmods:
- Expanded Deck Crew
- Recovery Shuttles
- Nav Relay
- ECM Package
- Operations Center
- Adjusted various related hullmods; of particular note:
- High Resolution Sensors give a flat +60 to sensor strength
- Phase Field sets the ship's profile to 0