A larger cousin of the ubiquitous rapid-fire machine gun category of weapons, the Heavy MG is effective against both small and medium-sized targets.
A workhorse of patrol craft across the Sector, this weapons system features reliable blowback firing mechanism said to date back to the days of Old Earth. Safety features include a positive cook-off safety for open bolt clearing and double ram prevention. The weapon is typically mounted on a relatively heavy base to help absorb recoil during prolonged bursts of fire. Calibers vary within a moderate range and ammunition is easily fabricated by standard forges.
The heavier projectiles do not shatter upon impact like lighter ammunition and present a credible threat to frigate-class vessels. Extremely accurate, though slower-firing than a vulcan cannon. Excels in a point-defense role.
Heavy Machine Gun changes notably when used on a cruiser or capital ship with range boosting hullmods such as Dedicated Targeting Core or Integrated Targeting Unit, or the elite skill Point Defense The additional range makes it quite reasonable at pushing away threats, point defense and even a great option pummeling nearby shields due to its amazing stats (compare flux/sec and damage with a heavy needler, or a hypervelocity driver).