Aztlan is a highly developed Hegemony star system. It is home to their capital, Chicomoztoc, where the High Hegemon, Baikal Daud, lives.
Aztlan, Yellow Star[]

A G2 type primary sequence star, estimated age is five billion years. Surface temperature is only about six thousand degrees, while core temperature could well exceed fifteen million degrees. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Center of the Aztlan Star System
Xolotl (Aztlan I), Toxic World[]

Aztlan I: Xolotl
Carbon and sulfur dioxide gases dominate the atmosphere of this world, making it toxic to all known life. In addition, the gases create a runaway greenhouse effect that increases surface temperature and atmospheric pressures to extremely high levels. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Planetary Conditions
- Moderate Rare Ore Deposits: Xolotl contains modest transplutonic deposits that, with sustained industry and investment, could be profitably tapped.
No bonuses or penalties to transplutonic ore production (Mining). - Moderate Ore Deposits: Xolotl contains moderate ore deposits that, under the right economic conditions, could be profitably exploited.
No bonuses or penalties to ore production (Mining). - Toxic Atmosphere: The atmosphere of Xolotl is exceptionally toxic and corrosive, abrading unprotected surfaces and requiring the hermetic sealing of any inhabited spaces.
+50% hazard rating. - Extreme Heat: Extreme heat necessitates specialized equipment and protocol to safely operate on Xolotl, seriously complicating logistics, life support, and long-term stability of infrastructure.
+50% hazard rating.
- Hazard Rating: 200%
- Moderate Rare Ore Deposits: Xolotl contains modest transplutonic deposits that, with sustained industry and investment, could be profitably tapped.
- Orbits Aztlan
The Ciltetl (Asteroid Belt I)[]
- Orbits Aztlan between Xolotl and Chocomoztoc
Chicomoztoc (Aztlan II), Barren-Desert World[]

Aztlan II: Chicomoztoc
One of the first planets targeted for colonization in the Sector, Chicomoztoc was selected to become a center of industry, host to a nexus of huge nanoforges. Only a marginal terraforming candidate upon discovery, rapid early industry and later war has left the atmosphere choked with complex sulfur compounds, organics refining by-products, and a concerning but managable dusting of actinides. | ||
–In-Game Description |
The Enormous population of Chicomoztoc lives in underground arcologies run in turn by powerful demagogues - promising reform and jobs for the masses of unemployed - or members of the numerous competing technocrat/criminal patronage networks serving their home-hive coalition or, as often, whoever has bought them off. Hives are occasionally locked off by riots, protest, and insurrection but so long as the Forges are kept safe and churning out mountains of goods, machines, tools, and starship hulls, the Hegemony meddle little in domestic affairs. | ||
–Secondary Description |
- Planetary Conditions
- Population: Chicomoztoc is one of the few worlds in the Sector with a population of hundreds of millions.
- Pollution: Human industry has left this world filled with dioxins, sulphur compounds, ash, and the steady ticking of decaying radioactive dust. Scraps of plastic cling to shards of foam-metal, the sky tuned to a dead channel.
+25% hazard rating. - Poor Farmland: Plant life grows only stunted and wearily here. It would require farmers with talent equal to their desperation to make these lands bear fruit.
-1 food production (Farming). - Sparse Rare Ore Deposits: A few sparse transplutonic ore deposits exist here, but they are more of academic than industrial interest for their extraction is barely economical.
-1 transplutonic ore production (Mining). - Moderate Ore Deposits: Chicomoztoc contains moderate ore deposits that, under the right economic conditions, could be profitably exploited.
No bonuses or penalties to ore production (Mining). - Thin Atmosphere: A rarefied atmosphere clings determinedly to Chicomoztoc's surface.
+25% hazard rating. - Habitable: Human beings can survive unprotected exposure to the surface conditions of Chicomoztoc.
-25% hazard rating.
- Hazard Rating: 125%
- Hegemony Market
- Population & Infrastructure: The basic infrastructure required to support a given population, from rickety orbital hab-modules to megacities and everything between.
Chicomoztoc is one of the few worlds in the Sector with a population of hundreds of millions. - Megaport: A vast starport where the stars can touch the dirt. Regimented lander gantries and armoured fuel tanks are laced together by access-roads and short-haul cargo trams feeding a sprawl of warehouse districts and logistics terminals, all making the colony vastly more accessible.
- Mining: Metal and metalloid ores, organics, and volatile compounds all require heavy equipment, special infrastructure, and a specialized workforce to extract. The harsh work attracts a certain type, and an administration that's not willing to look the other way now and again may find itself running short of willing personnel.
- Refining: Smelting plants here convert ores and transplutonic ores into metals and transplutonics, respectively. Teleoperated robotics are used to handle the most dangerous tasks, usually.
- Light Industry: Produces domestic and luxury goods. One of the few industries relatively unaffected by the Collapse due to its low-tech nature.
- Orbital Works: Centralized manufacturing infrastructure for production of heavy industrial equipment, supplies, and weapons. Also capable of producing barely-spaceworthy starships; a nanoforge can be installed to improve production quality. Upgraded with an orbital component that further facilitates ship construction, resulting in fewer manufacturing defects.
- Pristine nanoforge. Increases ship and weapon production quality by 50%. Increases production by 3 units.
- Star Fortress - Low Tech: An up-armoured battlestation, featuring Merlon-class defense drones and an extensive minefield. Must be reduced before invasions or bombardment can be attempted.
- Heavy Batteries: Armoured subsurface batteries supplement a dispersed network of small, hidden weapon installations. Ground-based batteries are capable of truly awesome firepower, though it only manifests by making ground operations more difficult, as no starship captain would be foolish enough to get within their firing envelopes.
- Patrol HQ: The requisite hangars, maintenance bays, command/control center, barracks, and logistics operations required to project force throughout a star system. Once established, militarized patrols will hunt pirates and protect friendly convoys.
- Population & Infrastructure: The basic infrastructure required to support a given population, from rickety orbital hab-modules to megacities and everything between.
- Orbits Aztlan
Aztlan Starport[]

Aztlan Starport
An enormous spacestation which can host shipyards, habitats, factories, or large stockpiles of weapons and supplies. These platforms allow humanity to project military and industrial power throughout known space. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Extension of Chicomoztoc Market
- Orbits Chicomoztoc
Sensor Array[]

Sensor Array
A Domain-era technology, this is a super-high-resolution passive monitoring array with a transmitter capable of real-time, faster-than-light data transmission within the star system. The data is useful to supplement the regular sensor readings made by fleets. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Orbits Aztlan as Chicomoztoc's L3 trojan
Aztlan Gate (Inactive Gate)[]

Aztlan Gate
A solid ring of adamantine material, derelict of a former age. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Orbits Aztlan as Chicomoztoc's L4 trojan
Aztlan Inner System Jump Point[]
- Orbits Aztlan as Chicomoztoc's L5 trojan
Aztlan Relay[]

Aztlan Relay
A Domain-era technology used primarily on the frontier, this is a hyperwave communications array which transmits and receives data between star systems at faster-than-light speeds. The rapidly pulsing hyperwaves suitable for FTL data transmission have been shown to damage DNA so these relays are always stationed away from habitats. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Orbits Aztlan
Tlalocan (Aztlan III), Ice Giant[]

Aztlan III: Tlalocan
A giant planet composed primarily of water, ammonia and methane. Within the depths, gravity generates enough pressure to form a core of metallic hydrogen. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Planetary Conditions
- Diffuse Volatiles: Diffuse volatiles can be found here, and may be sufficient for industrial extraction.
No bonuses or penalties to volatiles production (Mining). - Extreme Weather: Violent storms bristling lightning rage across the skies of Tlalocan. Though a sublime beauty from orbit, this produces harsh surface conditions making transporation and habitation highly inconvenient.
+25% hazard rating. - High Gravity: The force of gravity on the surface of Tlalocan is crushingly high. Humans require powered exoskeletons for regular movement and find even basic actions exhausting. Continual habitation is grueling at best. All operations take place with a heightened danger of falls and - if specialized engineering is not performed with adequate paranoia - structural collapse.
+50% hazard rating.
-10% accessibility.
- Hazard Rating: 175%
- Diffuse Volatiles: Diffuse volatiles can be found here, and may be sufficient for industrial extraction.
- Orbits Aztlan
Coatl (Aztlan III-A), Barren-Bombarded World[]

Aztlan III-A: Coatl
This barren moon of Tlalocan is wormed through with tunnels, bunkers, hangars, silos, and batteries; it forms a key Hegemony military base which controls the Aztlan system without being so close to Chicomoztoc as to get caught up in the local politics. | ||
–In-Game Description |
Regular pockmarks trace an arc across the moon crust denoting the site of those heavy weapon batteries the hegemony desire enemy intelligence to know about. Others will be hidden in random distributions beneath a shell of regolith ready to explode outward when a killshot presents itself. | ||
–Secondary Description |
- Planetary Conditions
- Population: Coatl is home to hundreds of thousands of people.
- No Atmosphere: No appreciable atmosphere exists on Coatl. Its surface is exposed to the hard weathering of space, a steady drizzle of radiation and micrometeorites.
+50% hazard rating.
- Hazard Rating: 150%
- Hegemony Market
- Population & Infrastructure: The basic infrastructure required to support a given population, from rickety orbital hab-modules to megacities and everything between.
Coatl is home to hundreds of thousands of people. - Spaceport: Facilities for loading and unloading cargo and performing basic starship repairs. A colony without a spaceport is virtually inaccessible to interstellar trade.
- Battlestation - Low Tech: A space station, augmented with a heavy bastion and point-defense citadels. Must be reduced before invasions or bombardment can be attempted.
- Heavy Batteries: Armoured subsurface batteries supplement a dispersed network of small, hidden weapon installations. Ground-based batteries are capable of truly awesome firepower, though it only manifests by making ground operations more difficult, as no starship captain would be foolish enough to get within their firing envelopes.
- Military Base: These facilities enable force projection between star systems. Any such military undertaking is a massive logistical operation requiring coordination of dozens, perhaps hundreds of star ships and thousands of officers, crew, and soldiers.
- Population & Infrastructure: The basic infrastructure required to support a given population, from rickety orbital hab-modules to megacities and everything between.
- Orbits Tlalocan
Coatl Bastion[]

Coatl Bastion
Built around the core of a seedship from the first great migration wave to the Sector, Coatl Bastion has changed roles and names more times than any outsider cares to review. At present it hosts the Hegemony military C3 center and training facilities for the Aztlan system. | ||
–In-Game Description |
Fresh-faced cadets from across the Persean Sector fill the corridors of Coatl station, rushing between assignments or looking stiffly anxious even when relaxing for fear of the admonition of a superior officer - which at this stage, could be any officer at all. | ||
–Secondary Description |
- Extension of Coatl Market
- Orbits Coatl
Zorrah (Aztlan III-B), Rocky Ice World[]

Aztlan III-B: Zorrah
This entire moon of rocky-ice bears scars visible from orbit due to exploitation. It has traditionally been chartered to one megacorporation or another to feed the industrial maw of Chicomoztoc, which always hungers yet is never satisfied. | ||
–In-Game Description |
- Planetary Conditions
- Rich Ore Deposits: Rich mineral deposits form a thick lattice within the crust of Zorrah but require an ambitious industrialist to exploit them for fabulous profit.
+2 ore production (Mining). - No Atmosphere: No appreciable atmosphere exists on Zorrah. Its surface is exposed to the hard weathering of space, a steady drizzle of radiation and micrometeorites.
+50% hazard rating. - Cold: Low temperatures found on Zorrah necessitates specialized equipment to perform normal operations, complicating life support and infrastructure.
+25% hazard rating.
- Hazard Rating: 175%
- Rich Ore Deposits: Rich mineral deposits form a thick lattice within the crust of Zorrah but require an ambitious industrialist to exploit them for fabulous profit.
- Orbits Tlalocan
Stable Location[]
- Empty stable location
- NPC fleets will build a makeshift nav buoy here
- Orbits Aztlan as Tlalocan's L3 trojan
Aztlan Outer System Jump Point[]
- Orbits Aztlan as Tlalocan's L4 trojan
- Aztlan is the ancestral home of the Aztecs.
- Xolotl is an Aztec god of lightning and death.
- Chicomoztoc is the mythical place of origin of the Nahuatl-speaking peoples, comprised of seven caves, one for each ancient tribe.
- Tlalocan is an Aztec paradise reserved for those who died by violence, water or lightning.
- Coatl is a type of serpent that is prominent in Aztec mythology.