A rack of advanced guided torpedoes. The payload is smaller than usual to make room for the advanced guidance package and maneuvering system's reaction mass.
The Atropos torpedo is a large guided torpedo with an extended range. Each rack mounts two torpedoes which can be fired separately, allowing strike captains maximum flexibility. The AM-catalyzed nuclear warhead typically used in torpedo warheads is missing here as baryonic interference from the detonator would foul the guidance systems. It is replaced by a smaller, yet still potent chemical charge.
–In-Game Description
You want something between Harpoon MRMs and Hammer-class Torpedoes? Well Atropos got you covered, currently the only homing torpedo weapon in the game, it packs a serious punch considering its easy to use nature. The only negative side is the high OP cost for only 2 missiles, which makes them a bit less effective than other torpedo options but very reliable for AI ships.
damage reduced to 1250 (from 2000), speed reduced to 400 (from 500)
OP cost reduced to 4 (dual) and 2 (single)
Weapon data is mismatched to patch notes; damage is 1000
Only up to date for version 0.9.1. It is likely still broadly correct but not verified for the most up to date data yet. Please double check the Version History